The Program
1. Program Description
The MBA at IHSU is designed to produce a graduate fit-for purpose, who is responsive to the needs and challenges of the different sectors in the economy. The goal of the program is to immerse the practitioner in training in the reality of today’s business context and to prepare graduates to learn how to adapt to a business world of growing complexity and demand. The program seeks to offer the development of business skills, applicable to a local business context aimed at achieving a social development agenda which increases wealth and welfare in Uganda, building on current business school and industry best practices, as well as the latest technological capabilities. An extensive consultative process with industry partners was undertaken during program design to ensure relevance of the program content.
The MBA degree will offer a greater emphasis than the BBA on practical experience. MBA students will need to have had at least three years’ work experience in some kind of business before starting the MBA, and this will ensure that the learning process is even more grounded in shared practical experience. There will also be a practical focus on a particular industry sector, which will form the major for the MBA. This may or may not be the sector which the student already has experience in, as we recognise some may want the MBA to be a catalyst for moving into a new sector. The practical sector experience will be achieved through a thesis focused on the sector of specialisation, together with an internship if the student does not already have employment in that sector.
2. Program Duration
The MBA will be an executive part-time program over two years. Two years will be the minimum time to completion, with a maximum of four years to completion. We offer a combination of 11 Foundation courses (which are being offered across the university), 7 Core courses, and a choice of 3-5 Elective courses. Foundation courses may be waived if students have covered and passed similar subjects in a previous qualification program.
Each course teaching will typically consist of two separate modules over two week-end days running twice per semester – students will generally take four courses in a semester, and so will attend the two-day week end modules on average once every two weeks during the semesters.
The rest of the course will consist of two graded assignments, supported by on-line resources and tutorial activity. Students will also complete a major project within a local business at the end of the second year, which will conclude with a written thesis. Overall, to achieve an MBA qualification, students will be required to have passed or had waived 11 Foundation courses, and passed 7 Core courses, 3 Elective courses and their final project. Overall, including Foundation courses, total teaching contact hours are 672 (44.8 credits), and the final project makes up an additional 15 credits, bringing the total program to 59.8 [60] credits.
3. Program Objectives
a) To deliver a holistic program that addresses the short-falls in the current programs and graduates 250 Exec MBA students with an industry-specific focus and strong practical management capabilities by June 2022
b) To have at least 80% of those graduates in productive management roles by June 2022
c) Through a survey of employers 6 months after graduation, combined with employers of interns, to achieve “Very satisfied” with performance of employee in at least 80% of cases, by June 2022.
4. The Program Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this program, students will have developed core business skills with highly practical application as well as an understanding of the business fundamentals in a full range of business functions. They will also have developed more detailed practical understanding of management in a particular business sector. The program should be able to
a) Produce well-rounded professional graduates equipped to contribute positively to self and country
b) Produce graduates that are highly desired by employers and capable of picking up management roles from graduation
c) Develop professional graduates who perform at a high level and are capable of developing relevant business solutions that address the current challenges in the industries
4. The Program Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this program, students will have developed core business skills with highly practical application as well as an understanding of the business fundamentals in a full range of business functions. They will also have developed more detailed practical understanding of management in a particular business sector. The program should be able to
a) Produce well-rounded professional graduates equipped to contribute positively to self and country
b) Produce graduates that are highly desired by employers and capable of picking up management roles from graduation
c) Develop professional graduates who perform at a high level and are capable of developing relevant business solutions that address the current challenges in the industries
5. Target Group
This program has been designed to attract graduates with degrees from other academic disciplines, with at least three years’ experience in work, who are interested in advancing in business management, and want to increase their understanding of business management skills and disciplines. These may also include those currently in business roles who are looking for a career change either into a different functional area or a different industry sector. Essential will be the attitude and aptitude to learn with a desire to contribute meaningfully to self and the economy.
6. Admission requirements for qualifications to the Program
To be admitted for the MBA program the student must have the following:
Degree programs accredited by the National Council for Higher Education
BSC Nursing, BSC Midwifery, BSC Medical Laboratory, Diploma Pharmacy, Diploma Clinical Medicine, BSC Public Health, Diploma Public Health, MSC Public Health, MSC Health Services Management, PG Diploma Health Innovation Management, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Applied Computing Technology. We also run a 3 month PG Certificate in Applied ICT and Leadership which doesn’t require accreditation.